• CV Search

    To protect the privacy of registered job seekers, only employers with active CV packages can search and view CVs.

  • Recruiter Profiles

    You can view recruiters' profiles by clicking on their names and following the links provided. Some recruiters though prefer to remain anonymous while listing jobs.

  • Advertise a Job

    Employers looking to fill specific positions can view our job packages to select the most suitable plan.

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Our Premium Resume Package is a special service we provide those who want our help in finding a job in Oman.  Upon buying this package your profile will appear on our homepage for a period of 90 days.  In addition, we will circulate your CV among potential employers in Oman who find your profile interesting.  Finally, we will include a snap of your profile in posts on our LinkedIn page to allow hundreds of companies in Oman view it.


Find out more about out Premium Resume Package

Employers using this job portal prefer not to be contacted directly by job seekers.  All the information you require supposed to need for each position is given in the ad.  If you meet the exact requirements as per the ad and the employer shortlists you, you would then be contacted with further info.

No. We do not engage in finding jobs for persons looking for jobs.  CVs sent to us through any channel are discarded and deleted immediately.  We do not have any jobs to offer you.  Jobs posted here are by our clients and if there is any vacancy that interests you please apply to it directly.

We only consider applications and resumes uploaded on this job portal.  There is no alternative methods as CVs sent via email are discarded and deleted at once.  If you any problem registering, uploading your CV or applying to a position send us a message by clicking here.

No. As a matter of fact, you can register without even uploading a CV file.  However, it is better to include everything you believe a potential employer would want to know or have.  Along with your CV, it is worthwhile uploading a recent photo.  Nowadays, some employers might also require candidates to have a video presentation where candidates briefly introduce themselves professionally in a short video clip.  The more info you provide the higher your chances of getting a call from potential employers.

There are several self-development ebooks and programs that you can buy and download from our job portal.  To view the list of books and programs we offer job seekers please click here.

You can buy online using your bank account or you can buy offline by sending an email to [email protected] indicating details of your purchase or you can send a WhatsApp or call +968 91744799.

Simply by clicking the “Apply” button clearly visible on the job page and completing the process.  Fill out the required details and upload your CV and you are done.

Some jobs are automatically imported from other job portals.  We have little or no control on these jobs as you are directed to the website where the post is initiated.  Otherwise, jobs posted by approved and registered Employers on www.jobibex.com are all genuine.  We do not grant access to random users to post jobs on our job portal unless they have registered and approved as Employers.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make any edits to your uploaded document once you have submitted your application. However, we can upload a new updated attachment (resume/cover letter as one file) and delete the outdated version, but it’s not guaranteed the hiring team will be able to see the update if the recruitment is already in progress.

Just sit and relax! If your profile meets the job you applied for or that of a position currently available with one of the registered employer you would get a call.  Just make sure that emails sent to you from [email protected] are not in your Spam folder.

Among the many features our job portal provides here are the recent additions:

  • Employer to Jobseeker and Admin Chat
  • Set interview calendar
  • Schedule and reschedule interview online
  • Integrated Zoom interview
  • Set different questionnaires for each job posting


General Inquiries

There are several self-development ebooks and programs that you can buy and download from our job portal.  To view the list of books and programs we offer job seekers please click here.

You can buy online using your bank account or you can buy offline by sending an email to [email protected] indicating details of your purchase or you can send a WhatsApp or call +968 91744799.

Of course.  Several users of the same employer can have separate usernames and credentials to access their company’s account on www.jobibex.com.  They can even leave comments on candidates’ profiles so their colleagues can read and comment back.

Apart from instant technical support we provide to registered Employers round the clock we make sure that jobs posted on Employers’ behalf receive the highest views.  We regularly circulate jobs posted here via our accounts on social media allowing thousands of potential candidates to see and react to them.  In addition, registered jobseekers receive job alerts pertaining to their profile and preferences.

We can surely provide you with many services other than pure recruitment.  Among the services we provide to employers, specifically in Oman: Resource outsourcing and staff secondment, training, HR advisory, reference check, advisory on Omanization issues and many other services.  Kindly contact us to let us know how we go about helping you out.