Salaries & Cost of Living in the GCC

Salaries in the GCC

Salaries in the GCC*

Despite an ocean of economic uncertainty and political unrest, the GCC has remained stable.  In fact, governments as well as private companies in the region remain bullish about the growth.  We live in a phase of continuous investment and diversification.  This has led to creating additional jobs.  Naturally, this leads to a hike in salary as well as cost of living.  This article sheds the light on Salaries in the GCC in 2024.  Also, it compares the cost of living across major GCC cities.


Oman-the baseline

The analysis and statistics in this article use salaries in Oman as the baseline.  This is because our agency has been extensively publishing research reports on salaries in Oman.  Our annual publication Oman Salary Encyclopedia and GCC Cost of Living Comparison covers more than 1,700 job titles in Oman across all sectors.


GCC cities covered

We have chosen the following cities for the analysis:

  • Muscat-Oman
  • Manama-Bahrain
  • Kuwait City-Kuwait
  • Riyadh-Saudi
  • Jeddah-Saudi
  • Dammam-Saudi
  • Abu Dhabi-UAE
  • Dubai-UAE
  • Sharjah-UAE
  • Doha-Qatar

Average Salaries in Major Cities in the GCC in 2023

In RO In Local Currency
Muscat 677.30 677.30 RO
Dubai 1,576.81 15,045.43 AED
Abu Dhabi 1,457.16 13,903.33 AED
Sharjah 641.76 6,123.46 AED
Doha 1,517.66 14,358.29 QR
Riyadh 903.11 8,798.95 SAR
Jeddah 752.85 7,335.00 SAR
Dammam 788.23 7,679.73 SAR
Manama 847.96 830.35 BHD
Kuwait City 801.72 642.50 KWD

Salary Purchasing Power in RO

The table below presents how much your salaries in each major GCC cities can buy in Omani Rial.

City Average Salary in RO Salary Purchasing Power in RO
Oman 677.30 677
Dubai 1,576.81 906
Abu Dhabi 1,457.16 936
Sharjah 641.76 608
Doha 1,517.66 1,011
Riyadh 903.11 786
Jeddah 752.85 784
Dammam 788.23 888
Manama 847.96 708
Kuwait City 801.72 730

For example, the average salary in Manama is 847.96 Bahraini Dinar.  That it is equivalent to what you can buy with 708 Omani Rials if you are living in Muscat.  Similarly, the average salary in Dubai is 1,576.81 and if you are in Oman you would need 906 Omani Rial to maintain the same standard of living of a person who earns the average salary in Dubai.


Long-term salary growth

Evidently, GCC combined economy grew by an annual rate of 5.2% from 1998 to 2022.  Salaries should have obviously grown at a similar rate.  However, it has not been the case in several countries in the GCC.  The average salaries between 2013 to 2023 in Kuwait City, Muscat and Sharjah declined by 11.6%, 21.3% and 27.8% respectively.  In Doha, salaries grew by a modest percentage of 4.3%.  The following table presents how the average salaries in major GCC cities moved in the past decade.

Year Growth during 11 Years
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Muscat 860 783 880 812 629 554 741 749 634 753 677 -21.3%
Dubai 12,409 11,499 11,967 12,241 13,021 11,255 11,178 10,996 11,855 15,815 15,045 21.2%
Abu Dhabi 11,665 11,732 12,999 13,485 12,897 10,130 10,400 10,356 13,395 12,471 13,903 19.2%
Sharjah 8,480 8,000 7,909 7,625 9,264 6,090 6,986 6,769 6,092 6,142 6,123 -27.8%
Doha 13,768 12,653 13,026 11,131 11,647 11,859 11,800 11,405 11,059 12,318 14,358 4.3%
Riyadh 7,033 8,133 7,950 7,552 6,566 6,197 5,618 6,961 7,071 8,587 8,799 25.1%
Jeddah 6,478 6,683 5,722 5,597 5,741 5,400 6,123 5,305 5,757 6,802 7,335 13.2%
Dammam 5,286 5,317 6,960 7,214 5,840 6,955 6,250 5,458 7,167 6,460 7,680 45.3%
Manama 416 505 591 700 474 525 418 614 508 904 830 99.7%
Kuwait City 727 689 806 666 606 588 463 514 472 667 643 -11.6%

Our interpretation for the discrepancy between economic growth and average salaries revolves a single fact. There has been a rapid growth in GCC population.  The growth has manifested in importing more labor that earn lower salaries.  Construction workers, housemaids, ancillary service providers and expat residents with no jobs.  Some expats would work on freelance basis with no income records. This makes sense as the average salaries in the above statistics are calculated by dividing total salaries paid out by the size of population.


Oman Salary Encyclopedia and GCC Cost of Living Comparison

The 2024 edition of “Oman Salary Encyclopedia and GCC Cost of Living Comparison” is out.  This publication has been tracking salaries in Oman across all sectors since 2019.  It covers more than 1,700 job titles in 21 sectors.  In addition, it compares the cost of living in Muscat to other GCC capitals and key cities.  The Encyclopedia is available in PDF format and you can buy your copy online here.

You can also place an order offline by writing to [email protected].

